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Why does it work? 2 scoops of the Vi-Shake has 90 calories. It can be mixed with water, juice, non-fat milk, soy milk, almond milk, rice milk and diet green tea. You can add ice, frozen fruit, fresh fruit, pumpkin puree, spinach, oatmeal, yogurt. Well, you get the idea! Just keep track of how many calories you are adding to the already 90 in the 2 scoops. The Vi-shake smells like cake mix and tastes like cake mix, thus tricking your brain into thinking that you are feeding yourself a delicious cake.

Your brain doesn’t know the difference! Start tricking it all you can because in the long run, it will help your body! You know, change the brain and the body will follow? Same theory. The Vi-shake has protein, fiber, prebiotics (enzymes that break down the food in the digestive system), 23 vitamins and minerals, antioxidants, and hold on, here comes the best part—-burns fat and builds lean muscle!!!!! Guess why the body builders use 3 scoops of the Vi-Shake in their shake? You got it! Lean muscle. That’s what we all want. Trust me, as you get older, you want that lean muscle in your body! The Vi-Shake is heart friendly, diabetic friendly, gluten free, hormone free, stimulant free and the patented ingredients are all natural and kosher certified.

Where do I order ViSalus Shakes?

Upon ordering any one of the 4 kits, you also get a website that gives you access to a monthly meal planner, a progress tracker, a BMI calculator, an exercise planner and a shake recipe site with hundreds of recipes.
The Vi-shake can be used for weight loss, maintenance, bodybuilding and for the nutritional value. There are a couple more questions to be addressed. What is the 90 day Challenge? It is a 90 day plan for anyone who wants to lose weight, get fit, build muscle, stop smoking, or mainly getting healthy and living a life as a healthy individual. You can choose to enter the 90 day Challenge and win cash, trips, product, spa trips, rewards for your hard work.  Some last questions to cover. What are you waiting for? Are you up for the Challenge? How important is living a healthy life worth to you? Don’t be one of the many statistics of people with diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, knee problems, back problems. Instead, be a Visalus statistic. More than 82,000 people will join this month and change their health for the better. Will you be one of those 82,000?  Click here to join the challenge

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